PREVENT focuses on pre-empting attacks in public transport by enabling earlier detection of terrorists and potentially dangerous objects, tracking of detected individuals or situations and coordinating the response of security forces.

PREVENT implements a progressive and iterative process to deliver 6 jointly defined Common Security Scenarios that capture threats and vulnerabilities.

It also delivers a vulnerabilities and threats taxonomy directly applicable to the public transport world. For these scenarios, PREVENT undertakes a gap analysis between available solutions, existing standards, on-going research and identified needs, from which it elaborates a multi-dimensional roadmap of innovations and solutions.

The highest priority innovations in the roadmap are selected by practitioners and public buyers to define a Common Challenge as the basis for a sub-sequent Pre-Commercial Procurement, for which the buyers’ group is created, the lead buyer is selected, and tender documents are generated.
This focus is shared, from the start, by 22 organisations from 10 countries, public transport operators, security forces, public buyers, city authorities of which 12 are consortium partners and 10 are members of the PREVENT User Observatory Group (UOG).


  • SO1: Deliver a fully defined common strategy (refining the needs, including a complete modelling of security processes across the different user sites and the required enhancements in locations and stakeholders
  • SO2: Identify realistic process and technological advances (inventory of deployed solutions and available standards and gap analysis)
  • S03: Define cooperation governance for the eco-system of practitioners and public buyers
  • SO4: Animate and expand the network
  • SO5: Train public buyers for shared approaches to procurement
  • SO6: Implement steps for procurement


  • Common Security Scenarios First major output of PREVENT is the list of security scenarios for security threats in public transport providing aggregated knowledge to generate a commonly agreed synthesis of the security processes and practices, a taxonomy of vulnerabilities and recommendations for security diagnostics associated to each vulnerability. The final PREVENT security scenarios will be commonly agreed among public transport operators, security forces, public buyers, and city authorities across Europe.
  • Innovations and solutions roadmap Second important output of PREVENT is the roadmap of solutions and innovations, a multidimensional and interactive map of innovations and solutions providing different target audiences with information about how the operational and technical challenges of the common security scenarios can be addressed from a technological point of view, taking into account the regulatory and economic capabilities and/or constraints. The interactive roadmap tool will be made available as a support to the execution of the PCP tender and will remain as a live asset beyond the end of the project.
  • PCP Preparatory Package Third major output of PREVENT is the PCP preparatory package dedicated to project public buyers and associated members of the Users Observatory Group. This output will (a) ensure dedicated training to public buyers in order to master PCP mechanisms; (b) consolidate the official participation of public buyers and practitioners in the future PCP; and (c) draft – legally sound - documents that create the basis for the PCP tender.





  • Why a User Observatory Group (UOG)? urna duis?

    The UOG goal is to generate awareness and understanding about the project activities and goal and to build a community of stakeholders from public transport and security domains. The UOG will serve as a means for bi-directional collaboration including collecting and exchanging needs, expectations, feedbacks between PREVENT partners and external practitioners. The UOG meetings will be organized for the interactions between PREVENT partners and the members of the UOG and to launch collaboration activities.

  • Public Transport operators
    Public Transport authorities
    Law enforcement representatives
    Security forces representatives

  • You can expect the following benefits from participation in the PREVENT stakeholder group:

    Networking opportunities across Europe and across sectors
    Access to cutting-edge knowledge and the latest information on security and security technologies and cooperation with authorities
    The opportunity to influence future developments for security technologies
    Reaching out to public authorities and policy makers
    Reimbursement for any required travel

  • We know that our potential stakeholders are busy people. We’re committed to respectful use of your time and efficient communication and requests for input. Depending on your availability and on project needs, between June 2019 and summer 2020 (15 months), your involvement will include the following:

    Participation in UOG meetings
    Completion of dedicated surveys
    Occasional online exchanges
    An online collaboration platform will be set up to involve UOG members in project activities, gather feedback in an efficient way and share confidential project material. This electronic collaboration platform will be secured.